Once upon a time, there was a girl called Sunflower Gurbux who was doing a course on SL. She was happy because she had learnt a lot but she was sad because she did not have enough time to spend on SL. She felt quite stupid, when she had to prepare a workshop. "Oh my God, what I am going to do, I am extremelly bad in everything" "Horrrible" she thought. Suddenly she thought she should have to leave the course. Otherwise, the two wonderful teachers told her to be brave. Louise (one of the teachers) advised me Sunflower to do a CONTEST. So, Sunflower started to attend contest... It was horrible, she even got up at 4 o'clock am (at night) and she attended 2 contests. Sunflower started to prepare a contest. She wanted to prepare some T-shirt but she didn't money and she was poor. She wanted to prepare some Gifts for the contest...and here it started HER NEW IDEA. She could do a workshop on GIFTS/PRESENTS.
Suddenly, she spent hours and hours trying to build presents and her teachers helped her a lot. But she wanted to have everything well-prepared. Then, the problem was that she didn't have peers. Luckly, her friend, Azu, told her she would attend. That was lovely and also the teacher would attend too. LOVELY!!!
Thus, Sunflower decided to do the workshop on Thursday 19th February 2009 on Muvenation island in SANDBOX. Sunflower organized everything, she prepared some rugs, some chairs and some presents to give to the attendants. It was quite nice. Everything was so green!!!!
However, Sunflower was quite sad because she only had three students on the workshop. There were many people near but only three students. One was Azu and the others were the two teacher. But at least, they were there supporting me. I appreaciate that.