On 23rd January, after being in the first workshop, I attended a second workshop. It was NCI Class Creation. There were many, many people but I didn't like a lot because the topic was not interesting in my opinion. However, the instructor had everything well-prepared, but the explanation was to quick and it would have been nice if I could have tried everything he was explaining. He showed different ways to move around SL but it was just theory and then you could ask for doubts.
I would have prefered: theory + practise + doubts, new theory + practise + doubts... but I understand that there were too many people there.
Workshop implementation: delivery of instruction
On 23rd January, after being in the first workshop, I attended a second workshop. It was NCI Class Creation. This class was good but I didn't like the topic a lot, moreover there were many people and it was sometimes difficult to follow the conversation when everybody was asking questions. However the teacher did a good introduction of the course.
In both workshops I think the teachers explained everything very well. However, the second workshop needed practise and we didn't practise anything. Thus, now I do not remember anything...
Implementation of the workshop: recall and transfer of learning.
There was no recapitulation of other sessions and neither of our session
Implementation of the workshop: follow up and evaluation.
At the end of the class there was feedback, we could ask questions, doubts, etc. The problem was that there were many people and everybody was talking at the same time.

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